Vol.1 – I Love Window Display
Hi there! I'm Naomi, the Founder and Director of Branches & Knots.
I had a sudden thought—why not share some of the words that come from within me with all of you who support Branches & Knots? So here we are! I’d love for you to read along.
Vol. 1 – I Love Window Displays
Before moving to Canada, I worked in Japan for about ten years at a company called TOMORROWLAND, which had around 1,400 employees. Pretty big, isn’t it? One of the things I found fascinating and truly enjoyed there was Window Display and Visual Merchandising.
For a few years, I followed my boss from store to store, closely observing how he designed each space. One day, I finally asked, “How do you do it?” His answer? “I don’t know.” 😂
When I got my first chance to do it myself, I was surprised—Wait, I can actually do this! It felt like I had discovered a hidden talent I never knew I had, and that made me really happy. No one had ever explained the process to me step by step, but because I had watched, felt, and been genuinely interested, I had absorbed it all.
Now, if someone asks me how to do it, I totally get why my boss just said, “I don’t know.” Teaching is a completely different skill—it’s like trying to explain the grammar of a language you speak naturally. To teach, you have to break down and analyze something you do instinctively. Without doing that, my answer could be the same: “I don’t know.” 😂
That company helped me discover so many things about myself, and I’ll always be grateful for that. Now, designing spaces is one of my absolute favorite things and something I can confidently say, “I got this.”
How I Create Window Displays
First, I find the vision.
To spark inspiration, I browse online, visit other stores, and let ideas flow until I have that “This is it!” moment. Then, I quickly sketch the concept on paper.
My approach? No big budget, minimal prep work, and effortless-looking execution—while making sure the store itself is speaking through the display. I want it to say, “This is who I am!”
I change the display with the seasons, and while I try to keep the process efficient, it still takes a few days to refine the idea, gather materials, and set everything up. The actual display installation? That takes about 5-6 hours. I usually start around 5 PM and finish close to midnight.
I put on my favorite music, get into the zone, and somehow, weird energy kicks in—I don’t even feel tired. But the moment I sink into the bath afterward, I let out this deep, gruff “Aahhhhhh…” like an old man. 😂
So… Why Do I Keep Doing Window Displays?
Some might wonder, “Why put so much effort into something that doesn’t directly drive sales?”
The simple answer? Because I love it. 😂
But that’s not the only reason.
I believe Window Displays are the face of a store. They’re not just decoration—they reflect the store’s world, its heart, and create silent conversations with passersby. That’s why every time, I trust my intuition and carefully express what I feel the store should be saying at that moment.
It’s a Team Effort
After the display is set up, Chihiro works her magic, editing a video of the whole process for social media. Junka polishes the design for our emails and website. Meanwhile, Masumi comes up with event ideas for customers and keeps everything running smoothly.
Even though they all have completely different backgrounds except myself, we keep experimenting, discovering new strengths, and growing together. That’s what makes us US.
What I really want to say is—There’s always a hidden talent inside you, just waiting to be found. It has nothing to do with age. Once discovered and nurtured, it will definitely bloom into something amazing. 🌸
This Season’s Theme: "A Little Spring Discovered in the Forest"
If someone walks by and pauses at the window, feels a little warmth inside, or senses a tiny spark of spring—that would make me so happy. If that feeling makes them step inside, even better. And if they find something they love and take it home? That would be the best!
I want our window displays to be a bridge that connects us to each other. And every day, we welcome everyone who walks through our door with a warm heart and a bright smile.
"Hi there! How are you doing today?" 💖
Thank you for reading to the end.
With love,
🥰 Naomi
Branches & Knots Director
Branches & KnotsのFounderでDirectorのNaomiです。
ふとした思いつきで、私の中から生まれる言葉を、Branches & Knotsを応援してくれている皆さんに届けてみようと思いました。読んでいただけたら嬉しいです。
第一回 Window Displayが好き
カナダに来る前、日本でTOMORROWLANDという社員が約1,400人規模の会社で10年ほど働いていました。まあまあ大きめの会社ですよね! そこで、私が面白い!好き!と感じた仕事のひとつが Window Display や Visual Merchandising でした。
上司といろいろな店舗を巡りながら、彼がどのように空間をデザインしていくのか、何年も助手として興味深く見ていました。そしてある日、「どうやってやるんですか?」と聞いたら、彼は 「わからん。」 と一言。(笑)
そして今、もし私が「どうやってやるんですか?」と聞かれたら、「わからん。」 と答えた上司の気持ちがすごくよく分かります。教えることは、全く別のスキル。自分が無意識に話している言語の文法を発見するような作業に近いと思います。だから、人に教えるには、自分がやっていることをじっくり分析する必要があるんですよね。それをしない限り、私の答えもきっと 「わからん。」 になるでしょう。(笑)
Window Displayを作るとき
まずは イメージを降ろすこと から。
私が大切にしているのは、お金をかけず、手間をかけすぎず、それでいてお店が「私ってこんなお店なの!」と語りかけているような空間作り です。季節ごとにそれを行っています。
効率的にやっているつもりでも、アイデアを絞り込む時間、ちょっとした制作や買い出しに数日かかります。実際のディスプレイの設置には 5〜6時間。だいたい夕方5時くらいから始めて、気づけば夜11時…。
好きな音楽を聴きながらやるので、変なエナジーが湧いてきて、意外と疲れを感じません。でも、帰ってお風呂に浸かった瞬間、 「あーー(あに点々)」 と、おっさん声が出ます。(笑)
なぜ、Window Displayをやり続けるのか?
私は Window Displayはお店の顔 だと思っています。
そして、お客様との “見えない会話” が生まれる場所。
だからこそ、毎回、直感で降りてきた 「今、お店が語るべきこと」 を、丁寧に表現しています。
ディスプレイを仕上げたあとは、Chihiroが彼女の才能である 表現力 を生かして、ディスプレイの過程を撮影・編集し、SNS用の動画を作ってくれます。Junkaは、EmailやWebsiteのデザインを調整。Masumiは、来店されたお客様向けのイベントを企画しながら、その他の業務を淡々と進めてくれます。
だからこそ伝えたいのは、誰の中にも、まだ見つかっていない才能が眠っているかもしれない ということ。
そして、何かを見つけて、おうちに連れて帰ってくれたら…… めちゃめちゃ嬉しい!
私にとって、ウィンドウディスプレイは、ただのディスプレイではなく 「私たちをつなぐもの」 であってほしい。
そして今日も、ドアを開けて入ってきてくれた人たちを、私たちは 「ようこそ」 の気持ちと笑顔で迎えます。
"Hi there! How are you doing today?" 💖
Branches & Knots Director